Blepharoplastyin Boston

Named Among the Best Plastic Surgeons in Boston

Helena O. Taylor MD, PHD, FACS & Stephen R. Sullivan MD, MPH, FACS

As we age the upper lid deflates laterally, and the skin loses elasticity, collagen, and muscle tone. The upper eyelid can become heavy and droopy, obscuring the upper eyelid crease, and the lower part of the lid.

In the lower lid, with time and gravity the soft tissues of the cheek descend, the orbital septum and fat bulges and creates "bags" under the eyes, and a "tear trough" develops as a shadowed delineation between the lower eyelid and cheek.

These changes in the lid can make people look tired, angry, or haggard when that is not how they feel. Our Boston Blepharoplasty surgery can be performed on the upper lids (upper lid blepharoplasty) and lower lids (lower lid blepharoplasty).

Download our Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Lift) Instructions


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